Product Boards

Lean Canvas

A popular activity from the Lean Startup methodology that helps teams create a product plan focusing on problems, solutions, metrics, etc.

Originally created by Ash Maurya as an alternative to the Business Model Canvas by Alex Osterwalder.
This is used by teams or individuals wanting to devise and communicate headlines for the problem or opportunity they are going to address.
This canvas is focused on the problem space and the opportunities, as compared to the Business Model Canvas which helps you build out the details of the business you want to create.

We use this one to outline our new ideas for products. It’s more visually appealing than a Word doc, and sticky notes force concise writing.

Metro Retro is full of great templates to help make your meetings more efficient and fun. 

Product Boards

Value Proposition Canvas

Map your product value to the customers Jobs-to-be-done, with how your product addresses their needs and pains.
Product Boards

Simple Kanban

Classic Kanban board with Backlog, Todo, In Progress and Done. Great as an alternative to more complex tools for quick and easy task tracking.
Product Boards

Product Backlog

A Kanban style product backlog template that is based on the layout we used to manage the Metro Retro backlog.

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