Liked, Learned, Lacked, Longed For, Retrospective

The 4 Ls is a popular four-panel retrospective that asks teams to feedback on the positives and negatives of a particular topic or activity.

Best For

Reflecting on recent events

When to Use

At the end of workshop, event or sprint

A popular retrospective format. This format gives people an opportunity to express themselves through a range of categories.

How to run this session

Time needed: 60 minutes

Run this exercise similarly to most retrospectives:

  1. Ideate - ask people to write their sticky notes - 10 minutes
  2. Share and present their points - 20 minutes
  3. Identify patterns and group similar sticky notes - 10 minutes
  4. Vote on the most important issues - 5 minutes
  5. As a team, decide what actions to take for the top 3 voted issues. - 15 minutes

Tip: Start this retro with a warm-up tongue twister - get everyone to say the categories as quickly as they can four times: "Liked-Lacked-Learned-Longed For!"

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