Announcing Metro Retro joining TinySeed, the accelerator for bootstrapped startups.

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In a year of exciting developments for Metro Retro, we’re pleased to announce that we have joined the TinySeed Startup Accelerator program! Joining the accelerator will help us grow to better serve our current and future customers.

(We’re announced at 06:05)

What is TinySeed?

TinySeed is a year-long remote startup accelerator that provides seed investment, mentorship, and access to a network of founders to help bootstrapped companies accelerate their growth.

TinySeed was created by Rob Walling and Einar Vollset, who have started multiple businesses themselves. They wanted to make it easier for small software companies to succeed without the difficulties that come with raising money from traditional sources like venture capitalists.

The same people who run TinySeed also created MicroConf, an online community and conference where small software startups can learn from each other and get advice.

TinySeed is very popular and gets hundreds of applications per batch but usually picks around 20 final startups.

Why is TinySeed right for Metro Retro?

This year was a big one for Metro Retro. We passed 1 million signups, hired our first full-time employee, and became officially profitable.  With these milestones flying by, we have been evaluating how we scale to support our customer needs. 

Of all the accelerators and investors out there, we applied for TinySeed because their philosophy and outlook closely align with ours. The accelerator program matches our ambition for what a product like Metro Retro can achieve and will help make our vision a reality.

Scaling Collaboration

Over the last 4 years, Metro Retro has grown from a scrappy prototype built during a hackathon, to a global collaboration platform used by tens of thousands of people each week for their meetings and workshops.

We sometimes describe Metro Retro as “the online whiteboard with a personality”. Our mission was to make a collaborative space where your team enjoys working together. From kickoff workshops that map an unknown-but-exciting future, to empowering retrospectives that help a team work better together, Metro Retro is now the tool of choice for an absolutely humbling number of people. On a daily basis we’re saying things like:

“Hey, did you know [very cool company] has started using Metro Retro?”

It’s a very cool feeling, to say the least.

Here’s To The Future!

Remote and hybrid working is now established around the world, especially in the software industry. Our aim is to be one of the leading collaboration tools powering remote work. Joining TinySeed will mean that we have the resources over the next 12 months to build upon our loved product and brand, bringing better ways of collaborating to more teams.

TinySeed Fall 2023 Batch



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