Value Proposition Canvas

Map your product value to the customer's Jobs-to-be-done, with how your product addresses their needs and pains.

Best For

Product teams

When to Use

When developing a new product or service

What is the Value Proposition Canvas?

The Value Proposition Canvas helps you design products and services that customers actually want. The canvas is composed of two main parts: the customer profile and the value map.

Customer Profile: What tasks does the customer need to do, and what are their current pains in achieving it. What does it look like when they are successful?

Value Map: What are the products and services you are offering to help the customer achieve those tasks and goals, how does your product address their pains and help them toward the successful outcomes?

Your "Value Proposition" comes from being able to state clearly which pains and gains your product is directly addressing.

The Value Proposition Canvas was initially developed by Dr Alexander Osterwalder as a framework to ensure that there is a fit between the product and market. It is a detailed tool for modeling the relationship between two parts of the Osterwalder’s broader Business Model Canvas; customer segments and value propositions. See more at

How to use the Value Proposition Canvas in Metro Retro

Start with the Customer Profile, using information from your research:

  1. List the tasks and jobs the customer need to get done, in their own words.
  2. List the successful outcomes or goals they want to achieve.
  3. List the pains they have in getting the tasks done or achieving their outcomes.

Then move to the Value Map:

  1. List the Products & Services that are being offered.
  2. List your product's gain creators that help the customer achieve their goals.
  3. List your product's pain relievers that alleviate the customer pains.

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