Product Boards

Simple Kanban

Classic Kanban board with Backlog, Todo, In Progress and Done. Great as an alternative to more complex tools for quick and easy task tracking.

Simple Kanban board: Lightweight Visual Task Tracking

The simple Kanban board is a visual template used to manage your workflow in a simple and light way. It can be used by an individual or on a collaborative project. The board consists of columns representing the different stages of a project or process, and you add a sticky note for each task that need to be completed.

The basic structure of the Kanban board includes three columns: To Do, In Progress, and Done, plus a Backlog section for the ideas and tasks that arenโ€™t prioritized yet. As tasks are completed, they are moved across the board from one column to the next, giving team members a clear visual representation of the progress of the project.

The simple Kanban board is a great alternative to complicated project management tools.

Metro Retro is full of great templates to help make your meetings more efficient and fun. 

Product Boards

Value Proposition Canvas

Map your product value to the customers Jobs-to-be-done, with how your product addresses their needs and pains.
Product Boards

Product Backlog

A Kanban style product backlog template that is based on the layout we used to manage the Metro Retro backlog.
Product Boards

Goal-Oriented Product Roadmap

The goal-oriented product roadmap is designed for creating products with Lean Startup or Scrum. Use to establish product goals, plan releases, and coordinate the development and launch of products.

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