Decision Making

Meeting Agenda

Make your own visual meeting agenda with this template

Meetings run smoothly when they have an agenda. Use this visual format to clearly communicate the objective, agenda, rules and roles for your next meeting.

How to use the Meeting Agenda template

Complete these 4 sections before the meeting and review together at the start:

Objective: What is the ultimate goal of the meeting?

Agenda: The activities planned for the meeting. Make sure to include an owner and time-box for each activity.

Rules: How should people behave? How are the group making decisions?

Roles: Assign roles to participants to foster a productive session.

Metro Retro is full of great templates to help make your meetings more efficient and fun. 

Decision Making

Mind Map

Use a mind map to capture and organize your ideas around a central theme
Decision Making

Eisenhower Matrix

Classic 2ร—2 matrix helping you make decisions and prioritize tasks
Decision Making

Feature Prioritisation Grid

Use this sequence of grids to prioritise features by comparing them against each other, using factors like feasibility and value to customer.

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